A week ago, a teenage girl went missing for almost forty-eight hours and the cop-run Nelsonia Daily Snooze failed to cover the major story in the slightest, to the detriment of our community and the safety and welfare of the young woman and her family and friends. Lest you think that they had the weekend off or some such excuse, the bylaw-officer managed online outlet somehow managed to publish not one but two articles about the celebration of life at the Rod & Gun club (emphasis on gun!) for the Nelsonia Police State armed enforcer who decided to needlessly risk his life to death in avalanche conditions that were officially described as considerably dangerous.
To its bare minimum credit, the oligarchic Nelsonia Dark Star posted a pair of brief updates with minimal information about the absence and subsequent finding of the local student and that’s all, while the Daily Snooze chose to ignore the case entirely, despite its time-sensitive life and death seriousness and the fact that they previously tracked the stories of two other missing women the week before. If a journalistic outlet can’t help out its readership and small city by contributing to the awareness of a missing adolescent, then what is it good for, other than police propaganda and sycophantic civic cheerleading?
When the imperialistic so-called family-friendly Daily Snooze newspaper was bought out by the invading Dark Star so that they could shutter it as fast as possible to kill their competition, many locals boycotted the new tycoon-owned corporate agitprop because they supposedly cared so much about the old-fashioned patriarchal rag that resurrected itself as a website-only puff piece. Longtime readers of the male white-power loving Snooze claimed that their beloved fish-wrap pulp product was essential to the well-being of the village people, even though it chose which ads to accept based on their suitability to a nuclear-family audience of conservative-leaning cop worshipers. Now the Furious family vehicle designed to kiss the municipal hand that feeds them has revealed once and for all that it cares more about pumping the tires of the occupying army of pigheaded gunmen than the survival of an absent tween.
As John Stoehr writes in Raw Story about the white volk that closely resemble the predominant demographic in misogynistic Nelsonia that the Daily Snooze and Dark Star choose to idolize, “respectable white people are the petty aristocrats of (Canamerican) localities. They are the business leaders, property owners, decisionmakers, public figures, political actors, and so on. How they see the police is linked to how they see themselves, and vice versa. Petty aristocrats (know) that the white-power status quo that makes it possible for them to be petty aristocrats depends on police departments maintaining that very same white-power status quo”. This is why you have the pro-cop shop Furious News ass-kissing the anti-Indigenous and racist Nelsonia Police State without ever daring to question anything about its obvious flaws, which even the Dark Star is able to see through its corporatocracy lenses once in a thin blue line moon.
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