In a bleak time when many longtime residents are lamenting the out-of-control white supremacy and entitled privilege on display all over Ghoulieville on a daily basis, the complicit clerks at the discriminatory CoN have decided in their patriarchal wisdom to banish all Indigenous-related subjects to the ʻfeminineʼ artsy sphere, so that they can continue to play their manly royal war games without acknowledging the role that groups like the Autonomous Sinixt must play in all the political machinations around the use of their inherited resource equity. 

Other than a newfound token enthusiasm for Indigenous causes inside the Touchstoner Museum after they were publicly called out by First Nations locals for their insensitive actions, is there any evidence up in the capstone of white-power Nelsonia that Indigenous cultures exist in the present, let alone being the original society of this stolen land? True, the Nelsonian Mural Farcical will feature two worthy Indigenous creations at last, yet they are relegated by the virtue-signalling CoNʼs white-power cultural destructive committee to a north-facing back-alley and a dark mossy stairwell where most donʼt go. Instead of being featured in a prominent placement visible to all, the white-power advocates in Ghoulieʼs cult prove their enabling racism once again by hiding our non-white original heritage in the shadows like they love to do. When the red dress exhibit to honour missing and murdered Indigenous women was vandalized outside Shitty Hall, was there any official civic response from the male supremacists in colonial Nelsonia? No! 

If the crusading CoN which loves to hero-worship its white heritage police state suddenly cares so much about the welfare of its Indigenous peoples, then perhaps they can afford to pay for some Indigenous cops to police the white-power police themselves. This is what our First Nations people are asking for in regards to one of Canamericaʼs many police shooting scandals which took place in the early days of the pandemic, except it wasnʼt videotaped and itʼs an awful recorded fact that white Canucks are capable of throwing rocks at our Indigenous children and elders as they flee armed paramilitary forces who have invaded their remaining treaty territory. Say her name! Chantel Moore. 

In Chantelʼs tragically common case, the white-power cops on duty chose to conduct a mental-health check violently motivated by their own prejudiced misconceptions, as we now know from recent experience down south that the privileged fuzz donʼt have to come to the publicʼs rescue or anything of the sort, unless they have a court-approved “special duty” to do so. So even though they didnʼt have to barge in on a distraught young woman in the grip of our early pandemic nightmare unless they chose to, the unaccountable cops insisted that they cared so much about her well-being that they had to kill her in order to protect their own government-protected lives. As with many police shootings, if the men with guns had just stayed away as they have the legal right to do when theyʼre on the job, innocents like Chantel Moore would likely be alive with us now. 

As the Ceeb reported, “the 26-year-old from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in British Columbia was shot by an Edmundston Police Force officer during a wellness check on June 4, 2020. The officer never faced criminal charges. In the same week, Rodney Levi of Metepenagiag First Nation was shot twice and killed by an RCMP officer responding to a call for assistance. The deaths sparked a public outcry over systemic racism and the way police respond to people in mental distress. A coroner’s inquest concluded that Moore’s death was a homicide”. The family, friends & supporters of Chantel Moore recently held an event to celebrate her life on the anniversary of her death, wherein “calls to action from the Chantel Moore Inquiry were presented during the ceremony. They included training for police officers in how to act appropriately during encounters with Indigenous peoples and the implementation of a specialized Indigenous investigative unit to oversee and guide all cases involving Indigenous peoples. Wolastoq Grand Chief Ron Tremblay said he hopes the ceremony will bring forward stronger recommendations for all levels of policing. ʻOur treaties were based on peace and friendship so we are here to maintain the peace and friendship hereʼ”. 

Perverted Nelsoniaʼs twisted idea of peace and friendship with our overlooked and disrespected Indigenous population is to ignorantly fund the white-bred Kooky Mountain Cultistʼs whitewashed podcast with dirty money produced by the environmentally devastating Columbia Basin Distrust. Because itʼs in white-powerʼs vested interests to grant more white-power to homegrown white-power generators of white-power content that glorifies white-collar criminality. 

Itʼs amazing that Indigenous people are still able to talk about friendship and peace when their marches to support the ongoing investigations of residential school shallow graves are run over by a road-raging old white racist, and the WASPy cops let him walk away a free man while treating his impounded truck worse than his unapologetic ass. Kъkpi7 (Chief) Judy Wilson, secretary-treasurer of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs understands as well as anyone after her mistreatment by King Turdy the Kokanee Groper that, “They’re doing some procedural delays and also downplaying and that’s really unacceptable (when) people evade accountability far too often because of racial discrimination against Indigenous people”.

We all know that if an Indigenous man hit-and-ran a Remembrance Day procession and injured four white people due to his cop-proclaimed “impatience”, the imperialistic thin blue line would have kept the driver in jail for years, instead of letting him go free to strut around with no charges at all. Apparently, the pigheaded Mounties are totally fine with a deadly driver yelling to a scared mother, “I don’t care, I’m going to run over your effing children… you’re all dirty Indians”. Imagine if a First Nations activist dared to interrupt Count Ghoulieʼs annual paean to blood sacrifice in the Shitty Hall square with such threatening words, let alone with the grill of his deadly truck. The Loathsome Leprechaunʼs vampiric manservants would be out for the dissenterʼs blood faster than the Creep of Police and his overly armed forces could lock him up. 

So when Lord Ghouls and Company are pretending to pay respect to our local Indigenous legacies through token artworks approved by their all-white klan gatekeepers, remember that they have no desire in the slightest to recognize that Indigenous culture and society is far more than paint on a hidden wall, or a one-off event to satisfy their dammed funders. The Indigenous residents of this Lake Country should have a say in every aspect of neglectful Nelsoniaʼs sociopolitical affairs, but that will never occur as long as Captain Ghoulie runs our guns in cahoots with the Cranbrook Cop MP, while they refuse to relinquish an iota of their unearned white-power over our First Nations. 

A special Indigenous investigative unit at one of the top-five most racist police states in Brutish Colonia, as rightfully requested in general by those who advocate for the implementation of the recommendations from the Chantel Moore Inquiry, seems like a far-fetched pipe dream that would only expose how much Mayor Ghouliani and his Wormtongue cartel profit from their land-holding gentrification racket that excludes Indigenous values from their covert establishment whiteness exploitations. Any scrutiny of the monarchistic CoN from an Indigenous perspective soon reveals a disgraceful history of white patriarchs persecuting everyone else who didnʼt meet their chauvinistic prejudices; just like we see today with the City Mangler and his army of militaristic white minions who decree what gets seen on the boozy drugged streets of Nelsoniaʼs White ʻHeritage Master Planʼ, where well-known touring artists are skipping this spoiled insular bubble due to its sickening audience of Manmorons whoʼve managed to ruin our peace and friendship in pursuit of their anti-Indigenous greed and sycophantic misogyny. Essentially, all three levels of our impotent fascistic government could use an Indigenous investigative unit to watch over their ongoing persecutions and oppressions of our underprivileged every day, while the all-white power-brokers grift more white power for their white bank accounts. 

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