Oh Hihi!

Yes I have discovered that while on vacation it is hard to get my posting on! There are just so many things to see and do!!

It is wild that I haven’t been here in years! Our time in Banff is not very long for all the things that are here to do. Even though I know them all well, it feels good to revisit the nature I grew up in. There is a certain power in the earth of ones hometown, like even though you may have been gone for a while, the trees recognize you and want to welcome you back.

At the same time a guest bed is rarely as good as your own, which makes going back to regular life somewhat appealing!

Oh but the food here is soooo good. I ate Pho yesterday and lost my mind at the deliciousness. Probably harder to leave than anything is the food here. Ate sushi lost my mind, turkish delight, lost my mind!

Where is my mind?

Will it return?

Great question, stay tuned!

Have you been on vacation lately and lost your mind?

Danke for being here,


#forstmedia #banff #goodfood #whereismymind