I am.

To hear the truths we were never taught. To see how long the red cloth was with all the names of the children, who would have grown up and had their own children, really showed the cultural and population impact of genocide. How recent that genocide was and how it is silently still going on today.

The whole thing is heartbreaking.

I’m glad Turdes was crying. He should be. It was his father who kept the schools going. I hope his act wasn’t all just for the emmys but can spell some actual real action. But I always hope that and so far not really…Also glad he ditched the euremo hair and the Tom Cruise, maverick shortness has grown out.

As colonizers it means letting go of our attachment to what we deem as ours. Hard dismantling work to understand we are the guests on this land.

I am a guest.

I hope you take time not just today but all the days to keep educating yourself and keep dismantling learned racism and keep forgiving yourself for what you were never taught, what I never knew before but keep learning now.

Where do we go from here? What can the future look like? Let’s keep listening so we can keep progressing forward. Let’s have it move at a quicker pace than it has. Let’s give up our white priv bs. Not easy tasks.

Danke for being here,

seriously, thank you, like for all the reals, much appreciation to you for pushing the extra buttons to get here. To tread on a different path and not just stay on the s.m. train.


Lady Beastie