As predicted by the Golden Heron many years ago in this opinion column, the time has come for us to face the distinct possibility that the conservative-minded populace in Canamerica will elect right-wing profiteers to represent them in this bizarre social contract at all levels of colonial government. Locally, in the Koots, we could have John “Rusty” Rustad as our Premier, his loyal capo, Pierre “LePue” Poilievre, as our Prime Minister, the Cranbrook Cop as our MP, plus the BC CONservative’s predictably white boomer as our MLA. Even the absurd Nelsonia City Council misled by fascist-lite Mayor B&B has a peculiar rightward tilt to it, mismanaged by a clown-show city manager who’s never met a homeless-related problem that he didn’t want to enforce to death.
Meanwhile, we’ve allowed the corporate US Army goons at Canadian Pacific Kansas City to tighten their chokehold grip on the bloody neck of the Canamerican economy without any significant resistance, further demonstrating Corporal Creel’s control over our federal leaders, headed by King Trudy the Second and his evermore tenuous grasp on the sceptre of oligarchic power. We’ve barely made any progress on Indigenous reconciliation, despite all sorts of consumerist virtue-signalling by the settler overlords, with plenty of time to adopt all sorts of truthful compensations. Whether you’re aware or not, we all know loads of white male power misogynists around these parts who pray for their Antichrist-like leader to be elected again by the Disunited States, so that freedom fighters like them can break out even more of their anti-multiracial democracy power-plays in everyday life. We’re happy letting the cynical lifers at Nelsonia’s City Hall dupe us once again about their already failed attempts to turn the old dump down by the lake into a civic park without any political consequences, because the sadistic polluters emboldened by the occult legacy of Emperor Blaylock and his atomic smelter regime still refuse to clean up their toxic mess, let alone deign to comment to complicit local media when asked about their nonexistent plans for the environmental remediation of our corroded lakeside and barren salmon river.
Above all, in supernatural BC, most of us are allowing a coven of witches and a cadre of warlocks to sully the spiritual energy and metaphysical space in a rural place such as the Valley of Lost Souls, where the White Heritage City seems to encourage persecution and enforcement instead of compassion and empathy, while their citizens and voters are preyed upon by the gangster capitalism forces unleashed by the billionaire bros club financing the made men in their employ, such as Drumpf, Poilievre, Mayor Morrison & MP Morrison, etc.. Dark magicians feed off of negative vibes, so the yucky feelings felt by many healers who used to love being in the kinder Nelsonia of yore are increased and amplified by the hopelessness and helplessness many experience hereabouts, due to the lack of heartfelt love shown by much of the Queen Consort City towards our downcast brothers and sisters. Supposedly reputable home-grown WASPy dudes who should know better would rather scapegoat and harm our vulnerably unhoused folks, rather than offer them a helping hand. And to the surprise of many naive ostriches out here in the stolen headwater backwoods, where the Indigenous matriarchy should be in charge of the talking stick, these same jokey goodfellas will soon be voting for the most depressingly coldhearted anti-women political candidates in the land — all over the land!
The only realistic option for those of us who favour loving ways above violent warfare, spiritual or otherwise, is to rise up, glow up, cleanse your soul and pray for the strength to endure when the red-hat brigade washes over this drought-ridden landscape like a Canamerican tsunami. Peace!
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