This is such an informative wonderful read that I can not recommend enough. I hope you don’t skip the link, in fact I hope it gives you inspiration to share the link, and this website even, with like minded (or not) people and people who like their minds!!
March is coming in like a lion, as it usually does here! Heavy, wet, snow.
Starting to learn how to edit video’s again, as I plan to have a couple of y-tube channels up and going soonishy! Re-learning a skill and broadcasting it as I learn, should be fun!!
One is going to be my vlog channel, as we start to venture away from our little enclave and out into something new! What will that be? You will have to stay tuned! That channel I will link below, and it has some old gems from back when y-tube and I were both young and the world was a different place….! Feel free to subscribe!!
Mildly embarrassing but also coo.
The other will be for one of my unannounced ventures. Soon to be announced.
But first a poem:
Take it from someone
who knows like me,
love is complicated,
kindness is key!
Danke for being here!
#forstmedia #dismantle #newventures
P.S. The shot is the from the shoot of the short, award winning ‘The First Dance’ that will be released in April!!
Lisel was a y-tube trailblazer before most people even knew what it was, let alone Goggle, so it’s their gain to have her back and our glory!
Love that poem, and love isn’t much good to anybody if it’s not accompanied by kindness! One thing that’s underrated about Lisel is how kind she is when you’re kind to her, so if you think she isn’t that kind, maybe you’re not that kind!😼
I’ll always remember my First Dance with Lisel!
It’s a glorious day today in between Nelsonia slushfests!
🙂 fox
Chauncey Devega is another non-white writer who writes eloquently about how white supremacy is the root cause behind much of the ongoing evilness being perpetrated in Canamerica and the Christo-fascist world, as evidenced by Tsar RasPutin, the
Republicanazis, King Turdy the Second (off playing his new role as inept foreign wartime meddler) & the ghastly Ghoulie Gang here in the Indigenous-suppressing CoN!
True that, folks can always give him a search to check him out!